Sighting Report for September 18, 2017

Today was shaping up to be another adventure just waiting to be experienced.  With the sun out from behind the clouds and whale sightings beginning to flood in from various individuals around the local area - we were keen to get out there!

Captain. Gordon and Russ were off heading towards an earlier report that suggested orca were near the American San Juan Islands and that they were.  Our guests got an amazing morning encounter with a pod of Bigg's orca (mammal hunters).  The individuals were the T101's to be exact.

Time to get the boats ready for another day of adventure and fun on the water

Who is joining us today??  We do have a 15% promo code now for all of our tours departing in September - just make a booking on line and use the promo code: whalesale to automatically receive our exclusive offer!!

The 109s encountered on September 16, 2017 ~ PC. Capt. Tom

Sightings Report for September 17th 2017

With rain and clouds in the area for the day it was quiet in the inner harbour, but there was plenty of the action taking place in the waters surrounding the capital city! Our fleet caught up with several species of cetaceans throughout the day as they searched for their choice prey in the Salish Sea!

A few pods of Bigg's Orca (mammal eaters) were encountered hunting and scanning the coastline! These large animals need to eat frequently to meet their metabolic needs, because they are looking for other marine mammals they need to stay quiet and stealth while hunting. Luckily they are great at what they do and were seen eating several meals throughout the day! The whales also became curious about us and were seen "spy hopping" (in the picture below), they do this by sticking their heads out of the water to look at their surroundings!

Humpback whales are still here feeding on the many schools of bait fish and krill in the Juna De Fuca Strait! Their large mouths lined with rows of baleen is perfect for trapping large amounts of prey and filtering out the water.

Stay tuned for what we encounter this week!

Sightings Report for September 16th 2017

Sunny skies and calm winds made for great whale watching conditions and a fantastic way to start off the weekend! The flat waters made it very easy to see the exhales of cetaceans as they surfaced to breathe.

Several Bigg's Orca pods were picked up throughout the Juna De Fuca Strait, scanning the coastline for other marine mammals as potential prey. Several pods were seen hunting and took down several harbour seals! After working together to out maneuver and catch their prey they share it equally throughout their family pod. There were also several very curious whales that approached the boats to check us out, giving passengers a very rare and unique experience!

The humpbacks are still around feeding before they head off for the winter months to breed and calve in tropical waters. They are often encountered feeding on small bait fish in order to satisfy their metabolic needs and put on blubber for their migration!

Stay tuned for what we encounter tomorrow!

Sightings Report for September 15th 2017

September has been incredible so far! We have had contact with whales almost everyday, often encountering several pods of orca and humpbacks in the local waters. Most mornings there have been reports of whales in the area before our fleet leaves the dock and we hope this will continue until the end of October! 

Today we caught up with several groups of Biggs Orca (mammal eaters) hunting and scanning the sea for potential prey. They often spread out while looking, and when they are locked on to their target they will converge and work together to take down the prey item. 

Race Rocks Ecological Reserve is full of life as this is where many seals and sea lions go to rest and sun bathe on the rocks. Sea lions are often heard "barking" and seen sparring with one another for space on the edge of this small chain of islands. 

Stay tuned for what we encounter next!

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Sightings Report for Sept 2nd 2017

What a great start to the long weekend!! The sun was shining and the winds were calm as the captains headed out to discover what was in the local waters. It didn't take long until reports of Biggs Orca came in! Indicating they were heading through the June De Fuca Strait to see what the Salish Sea had to offer!

Our morning tours caught up with the whales as they headed West searching the coast for prey! By the afternoon it was a feast for the mammal eating Biggs orca pods as they worked together to take down their targets. They caught one thing after another and the seal gulls swooped in to get the scraps!

Humpbacks were also encountered feeding and resting throughout the Strait, coming up for  several breathes before a long dive to the bottom!

Stay tuned for what we encounter tomorrow!

Sightings Report for September 1st 2017

The first day of September was amazing!! Clear sunny skies and calm winds provided great conditions for spotting local cetaceans as they come to the surface to breathe.

There were reports of sightings before our fleet left the dock so our captains were eager to get on the water! Biggs orca (mammal eaters) have taken over with pods peppered throughout the Salish Sea. Several pods were working together to scan the coast and find their prey, with about 30 whales in the same area! What a rare sighting and great encounter for our passengers!

Humpback whales are still feeding around the kelp beds off Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, so a stop in to Race Rocks brings more than just sightings of the local pinnipeds.

Stay tuned!!!

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Sightings Report for August 31st 2017

What a great day on the water! The sun was shining and the winds remained consistent blowing around 10 knots. Our fleet caught up with three different species of cetaceans in the local area, including; orcas, humpbacks, and a gray whale!

Biggs orca (mammal eaters) were encountered in the Juna De Fuca Strait as they scanned the coast for potential prey. There were several pods working together to catch their target, which means they will share their meal, then move onto the next snack!

Humpback whales were encountered near Race Rocks Ecological Reserve where they feed on small bait fish and plankton. They are often seen at the surface for three or four breathes before they go on a deep dive showing their fluke before they descend.

A gray whale was spotted in the Strait yesterday! They are not usually encountered here, as they often migrate up the West Coast of Vancouver Island in the open ocean. A great encounter with a infrequent visitor, what a treat for our guests!

Stay tuned!!


Sightings Report for August 30th 2017

The sun was shining this morning with a mix of sun and clouds in the afternoon, however the wind picked up and blew the clouds through the capital region into the evening. Great conditions to be on the water, with calm winds in the morning it makes it great to find and spot the "blows" of the whales as they surface to breathe.

Biggs Orca (mammal eaters) have become a staple in the Salish Sea this season as they have appeared almost everyday! This is no surprise with the absence of the Resident Orca (fish eaters) and the increase in the seal population, these animals have moved in to fill the gap of top predator! Two pods were encountered throughout the day as they scanned the Strait for potential prey, often spreading out to cover more ground.

Humpbacks were also encountered throughout the day relaxing and feeding! After catching their breathe they "fluke" before a deep dive, giving guests the iconic shot!

Stay tuned!! 

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