Sightings Report for August 6th 2018

Happy BC Day!! Lucky for us everyday is BC day as we constantly celebrate the life found along our coast, and the August long weekend has been a blast!

Also known as 'Fogust' there has been a layer of fog over the water lately, making it harder to spot whales as they surface to breathe. But nothing our captains cant handle, we encountered feeding Humpbacks south of Victoria in the morning. These large baleen whales are here to feed on the microscopic plankton throughout the water column.  Unfortunately by the afternoon the wind picked up bringing more chop, and for the first time since June 4th our 'No Whale Guarantee' program came into effect. This entitles the passengers to 20% money back and a free trip on us until whales are seen! We have the best no whale guarantee in Victoria and do our best to mitigate the off chance we will not encounter a cetacean during a tour. 

~ Stay tuned!

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Sightings Report for August 5th 2018

Sunny skies and calm seas is what we love best, because its easier to spot cetaceans as they surface and exhale.  

In the morning the fleet headed East to encounter the many Humpbacks hanging out at Constance Bank, a popular feeding area. These gentle giants are here to feed on the bounty of zooplankton and small schooling fish in the water column! Sometimes they are very friendly and will come in close to check us out!

By the afternoon a group of Biggs Orca moved into range and we caught up with them as they travelled South through the Georgia Strait. Identified as the T18's, a pod with several large males! This ecotype of killer whale needs about 3 seals each day and spend the majority of their time hunting. 

~ Stay Tuned!

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Sightings Report for August 4th 2018

Sunny skies and calm sea's were a great start to the August long weekend, and we were excited to see what the day had in store!

Reports of Biggs orca came in right after our fleet left the dock, they were seen northeast of Victoria, by Patos Island. Luckily our extended tour times and range allowed our fleet to be the only Victoria whale watching company on scene with killer whales yesterday! Biggs orca are the mammal eating ecotype and were scanning the area for potential prey. In the afternoon the whales were lingering in the same area, so our captains fuelled up and headed back up North. By the end of the trip the whales were right off the Vancouver waterfront!!!!! Wow what a long but amazing day!

~ Stay tuned!

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Sightings Report for August 1st 2018

The season is flying by as we move into August! A bit of a blustery day to began the month, with winds building throughout the day it was a bumpy ride getting back to the Victoria inner harbor!

In the morning our fleet headed West to catch up with several members of L pod heading through the Juan de Fuca Strait. Two large males, identified as L41 and L85, were encountered swimming quickly through the area, perhaps they were chasing their favorite prey;Salmon!

Humpback whales are littered throughout the Salish Sea right now! Here feeding on the bounty of zooplankton in the nutrient rich waters. They are often encountered feeding, resting or if we are lucky breaching!!! A stop by Race Rocks is always a hit wit the guests. It is a popular haul out site for the local pinnipeds, and they can be seen barking at one another while sun bathing!

~ Stay tuned!

Sightings Report for July 31 2018

The winds were up and in response the water conditions were bumpy. By the end of the afternoon Victoria's waterfront was quite choppy, but nothing our captains couldn't handle.

In the morning our fleet caught up with several different Humpback whales, here feeding in the nutrient rich waters! The passengers on BC LUNA had a great encounter with an energetic humpback, seen continuously breaching before rolling in a kelp bed. 

By the afternoon Southern Resident killer whales were spotted fishing off the coast of the San Juan Islands in US waters. J pod members have been around all week, and today several members of L pod have shown up. Glad to see that there is enough Chinook Salmon for these top predators to spend more time in their summer feeding grounds!

There are so many mom and pup seal pairs currently in the area. Here feeding on the many schooling fish, as she teaches her offspring how to thrive! Seals and Sea Lions are often encountered in the water, resting along rocky shores, or even feasting on a fresh catch!

~ Stay tuned!

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Sightings Report for July 30th 2018

The Victoria region almost hit 30 degrees yesterday! The winds picked up into the afternoon making for an adventurous day on the water and cooling things down.

There are so many whales in the area right now! Both the Southern Residents and Biggs orca were encountered hunting and socializing throughout the day.  A group of Biggs orca were identified as the T18s and include a large male with a leaning dorsal fin! They were actively hunting all day long, and once successful they celebrated by breaching, cartwheeling, and fin slapping!! More members of J pod (of the southern resident orca) popped up, and were seen fishing in the Georgia Strait. Unlike Biggs, the salmon eating Resident whales will pursue their prey individually! 

Humpback whales are here to feed on the copious amounts of zooplankton found in the nutrient rich waters of our coast! We have been encountering these gentle giants all summer as more and more arrive from their long migration.

~ Stay tuned for what we see next! 

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Sightings Report for July 29th 2018

A scorching hot day in the the Greater Victoria area, the winds were calm and the skies were clear as we prepared for another day on the water!

The Southern Resident Orca population is still foraging throughout the Salish Sea and were encountered throughout the day. Several members of J pod were fishing up and down the Georgia Strait, and seen hanging out with a large male from L pod!

Humpback whales are here feeding on zooplankton and other small schooling fish abundant in these waters. They were in a friendly mood yesterday, an individual popped up so close that a passenger said they could smell its breath! A very cool and unique experience!

~ Stay tuned!

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Sightings Report for July 28th 2018

Happy Saturday, the weekend is finally here!! Clear sunny skies with light winds made for a great day on the Salish Sea. Peak season continues as reports of whales come in before the fleet left the dock!

J pod members of the Southern Residents Orca population have been in the area throughout the week, and were encountered heading North near Pender Island. Unfortunately, there has been a recent birth/death within the group, so our fleet stayed distant to ensure no stress was put on the grieving pod. This highly endangered population faces many struggles, including reproduction.

Humpbacks have been around all summer, feeding on the bounty of food in the water column! Our fleet often stumbles upon individuals feeding, relaxing or sometimes even breaching! The Salish Sea is full of life, and also home to many seals, sea lions, and coastal birds.

~ Stay tuned!
