Sighting report May 9 & 10, 2017

the past two days have seen quite a few different pods of Bigg's orca in the region.  On May 9, we encountered a single male orca (T87) in the Juan De Fuca Strait traveling east.  Followed by the afternoon tours encountering a pod of Bigg's Orca (T86s) whom were traveling west in the Juan De Fuca Strait.  Funny enough though the different pods did not meet up with one another and just choose to travel their own way.

Yesterday, May 10, all of our expeditions encountered the T18s whom are a personally favourite for many of our crew members.  These animals were picked up by Capt. Russ near Swartz Bay ferry terminal, which is in Sidney (north of Victoria).

Capt. Gordon is heading out this morning to see what incredible encounters are waiting for our guests.  Stay tuned for our sighting update later this evening from today's adventures