Sightings Report - August 7th 2019

We watched these apex predators circle the rocks in search of harbour seals around the Shaw Island in the US Gulf Islands. This family of four consists of T18, T19, and T19's two sons, T19B and T19C.

The orcas are at a disadvantage when the seals are hauled out on the rocks. If they were to try lunging and grabbing one, the sharp surface scraping against their skin could injure them.

Although harbour seals rest out of the water, they struggle to maneuver their chunky bodies on land. When they sense danger, their immediate instinct is to escape into the water where they are fastest. The orcas know this and use it to their advantage. They will swim right beside the rocks, making their presence known to initiate fear into the seals. This tactic differs greatly from their usual quiet, sneaky approach. If one seal falls victim to their panic, they will attempt an escape by going into the water, where the orcas can hunt them with more ease.

While we were on scene, a hunt took place underwater. We only knew one occurred when T19B swam by a boat with a chunk of flesh in his mouth.

Witnessing such calculated thinking and teamwork from these whales really reminds you how intelligent they are!

Sightings Report - August 4th 2019

The T65As spent most of yesterday in the Saanich Inlet. They were staying close to the shore looking for prey.

Shortly after we arrived, they stopped and began a hunt. They appeared to be teaching differen techniques to the newest member of the family, 1 year old T65A6!

After they fed, they continued traveling close to land out of the inlet.

Sightings Report - August 2nd 2019

We had amazing encounters yesterday with Biggs killer whales and humpback whales only a couple miles apart from each other.

T46B1 and her two offspring, T46B1A and T46B1B, were slowly traveling west past Sooke. We were able to see the clear contrast between T46B1B, the gray calf with a rare genetic condition affecting his pigmentation, and his mother and sister, who do not have the condition.

Afterwards, we headed south to find humpback whales. We had close encounters with two grown humpbacks who came over to check us out. Then, a young calf surprised us by popping up next to the boat. He not only examined the boat, but was clearly examining those on board. Mom came over to check us out as well!

Being able to view wildlife without disturbing their natural behaviors is a priority, but the rare occasion where the animals we are observing make the choice to come over and observe us is a humbling, gratifying experience!

Sightings Report - July 26th 2019

Last night we caught up with the T46Bs, who were traveling at 8 - 13 knots (14 - 24 kph) southwest! Once we managed to get to them, they stopped to hunt and make a kill. Although what they were hunting remained hidden under the waves, we were able to see fast, powerful surfacing from the orcas! After feeding, they exhibited quite a bit of curiosity, suddenly popping up to the few boats on scene and checking them out.

Sightings Report - July 20th 2019

Sunny skies, glassy water, and whales! We shared a beautiful Saturday with the T46Bs and Scratchy, the humpback whale.

Biggs killer whales often travel in small pods consisting of 3-5 family members. Smaller numbers allow them to hunt their intelligent marine-mammal as quietly as possiblei. The T46Bs are quite the large pod at the moment, however, with 8 whales total! The family consists of mom, T46B, her 5 offspring, and her two grandchildren.

Female Biggs killer whales usually split off from their mothers once they begin having their own offspring. T46B split from her mother, T46, to become the matriarch of her own family. T46B1, her daughter, became a mother in 2015. She now has two calves, including the rare gray calf T46B1B. At the moment, T46B1 still travels with her mother and siblings, but will likely begin traveling apart from them in the near future.

Sightings Report - July 16th 2019

There were a few different groups of Biggs orca around the Canadian Gulf Islands yesterday. In the morning we were with the T46Bs, the family consisting of T46B1B, a rare gray orca calf! In the afternoon, we were with the T65As and T77s, who were traveling together but split up shortly before we arrived. Our afternoon trip not only saw two different families of orca, but a sneaky yet curious humpback whale as well!

Sightings Report - July 14th 2019

We had at least eight individual humpbacks spread out in the Juan de Fuca Straight between Race Rocks and Port Angeles, Washington yesterday! BC Luna spent a good amount of time with BCX1251 "Orion" as he stayed close to the surface. Orion has a history of showing curiosity towards whale watching vessels, which was evident as he repeatedly circled the boat and popped up right next to us multiple times.

On our way back to Victoria, we stopped by Race Rocks to view the Steller sea lions, harbour seals, and a bald eagle!

Sightings Reports - July 10th 2019

Another calm afternoon spent with the T34s, T37, and T37Bs! We've been seeing this group a lot the past week as they've been hanging around Port Angeles up to the mouth of Puget Sound.

We also watched a mother humpback whale and her very active calf! More humpback whales have been coming into the Salish Sea as they travel from Hawaii and Mexico towards Alaska for their summer feeding.