Sightings Report for October 20th 2017

The morning started off gloomy and rainy, but the wind pushed the clouds through the area and the sun came out! 

Captain Russ picked up a pod of Biggs Orca (mammal eaters) heading West in the Juna De Fuca Strait in the morning, they were spotted close to the American coastline most likely scanning the area for prey! Then in the afternoon our fleet headed East to catch up with another pod of Biggs Orca!

Humpbacks are still in the Salish Sea feeding on small bait fish and zooplankton species! These gentle giants need to eat tonnes of food a day to build their blubber layer for the winter months. 

We will be closed for the season on Monday October 23rd, so this is the last weekend to sneak in a whale watching adventure! Use our discount code "whalesale" and receive 15% off your tour!
